"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."  -Proverbs 3:5-6

Westshore Christian Academy students come from every neighborhood and every income level in Muskegon, Michigan. Our goal is to reflect Christ in our educational practices and to  give every family a choice in education.


To equip students to grow in their relationship with Christ, become life-long learners, to actively serve their community, and pursue Christian leadership. 

We want our students to grow deeply in a relationship with Christ, become academically well-rounded, and actively serve others. WCA pours into students the character qualities of faith, love, empathy and commitment, while giving them a safe place to learn.


To become a community leader in Christian education and to achieve recognition as an exemplary and outstanding institution dedicated to the enrichment of the whole child: emotionally, socially, and academically. Students are lead in God-centered ways in which we positively and dramatically impress upon their lives the love of the Lord, for the sake of their salvation.

Family involvement is a key component of our school climate.

Families and staff will work closely together to ensure students personal growth. The individualized attention and the safe loving atmosphere of Westshore Christian Academy will prepare students to apply what they have learned during these formative years, and to carry it with them for the rest of their lives.


Westshore Christian Academy is the brainchild of founder & administrator Dr. Kimberly Borgeson who, in the year 1996, had a vision of pulling a little red wagon of books into the Muskegon Heights area and reading to the children. This later inspired the creation of Red Wagon Schools, the parent consortium and foundation of WCA.

In 2018, the foundation used a portion of a former charter school at 2140 Valley Street in Muskegon, Michigan, and opened its doors as an after-school STEAM enrichment and tutoring program. In fall of 2019 WCA opened it's doors to three students. The staff kept faith that God would bring the students he wanted at WCA. The Lord provided. Over the last 6 years we have had the blessing of ministering to over 80 different students.  We are so thankful to the Lord for providing for all of our needs.

Help Us Make More History

Our success and the success of our students is directly dependent on the support of our donors, volunteers, and strategic partners. We can't do this ministry alone. Please prayerfully help ensure the success of WCA's students by becoming a financial donor. 

WCA School Board

President – Mr. Steve Warmington – warmington_steve@yahoo.com

Vice President – Mr. Greg Borgeson – borgyg@hotmail.com

Treasurer – Mr. Larry Joslyn – baketballjos@gmail.com

Member – Vice Principal Mrs. Tiffany Jones – tjones@redwagonschools.org

Member – Principal Dr. Kimberly Borgeson – kborgeson@redwagonschools.org